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4 Psychological Factors of Brand Awareness

Date Created: 11/11/2019

Reaching mass audiences more easily and effectively requires something more than just good marketing. You need to explore some psychological human factors that boost your brand’s awareness. After all, people get attached to something only when they want to. That means you should put a lot of focus on making people themselves request something from your brand.

Different brands, depending on their area of interest, obviously should target different audiences and be specific in their communication approach. Psychology is about the human heart, you need not necessarily logical give reason to people as to why they should follow your brand or buy from it.

Some factors that trigger strong emotions and feelings are more likely to have an impact on customers, create engagement and make them advocates of a brand.

Here are 4 psychological factors that play an important role in brand awareness.            

Psychological Factors of Brand Awareness

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1. Color

Although science hasn’t been able yet to explain why colors affect human behavior, it is generally believed that certain colors generate specific emotions. According to top the influencer, Neil Patel, “Color has a powerful psychological influence on the human brain.”.

Colors are divided into two categories. There are so-called warm and the so called cool colors. Cool colors are associated with calmness, coolness, and tranquility, and warm colors are thought to stimulate exciting emotions.

So, after considering what your brand is about and what kind of people you’re addressing, utilize color psychology to affect behaviors, thoughts, and feelings. Create a palette for every visual form of communication between your brand and your target audience.

2. Social Influence

Remember, you shouldn’t just sell products and provide services, you should also create a personality for your brand which is decided by the people’s point of view. People can’t form a specific image and attach human characteristics around your brand if they don’t interact with it.

There are many ways with which you can establish how your brand will have social influence. Obviously, social media are an effective tool for that matter.

Use different social media, based on your target audience and the nature of your business, and get people attached to your brand. Create contests, ask questions and publish original content. Don’t be clingy on people, instead make them want to share your posts and become advocates of your brand. Advocacy is key in expanding your brand’s awareness.

3. Customer Experience

Positive experiences and high involvement around your products, services, and promotional items by your customers enhance the overall popularity of your company. Form a strategy that isn’t only about customer service. Give attention to all customers by personalizing their experiences, get them emotionally engaged to your brand, and let them know that you feel their needs. Make it very clear that doing business with your brand is reliable.

At the end of the day, no matter how much of a good work your company has done in describing its promise, it’s up to the customer to decide how much that promise is fulfilled. To enhance customer experience, align your brand’s progress with the customer’s needs. Create a common pattern for every means of interaction.

4. Visual Storytelling

Promoting values that relate to people’s characteristics is becoming more and more effective lately in making customers loyal.

Project your brand as a supporter of certain beliefs and ambitions. Create an identity for your brand and engage with customers by showing and not just telling. Shape your marketing around your brand’s values and ethics by also urging customers to share their narratives.

Note that people today want to see a realistic side of how things are. Try to be as human as possible and engage with your audience on a deeper emotional level by putting attention to matters, issues, or interests related to your brand’s community or the society as a whole.

For more useful information on how to raise your brand’s awareness, you can always contact One Team! Also you can download the infographic here.



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